2011. november 11., péntek

Anna's picnic

Anna, Ancsi, Ternovszky Zitu, Sárgi, Kriszti és a többiek a zöld füvön.

Ahol a szekrényben a cicakutya él és az aranycsiga az Aladár kedvence. Tekereg a felírat, sistereg a filc és Anna óriáskönyve 2013 trendjeiről mesél.

Postmodernism in V&A

Postmodernism in V&A
Style and Subversion 1970-1990

"Postmodernism’s genre bending and splicing, its mixing of fiction with non-fiction, its blurring of the lines between high and low culture, has resulted in some wonderful art, design, music, film, and literature. The world would be a poorer place without Jeff Koons or Cindy Sherman, Neville Brody and Peter Saville, Bladerunner, The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steel, Mclaren’s Madame Butterfly, or The Crying of Lot 49. "

Barbie club

Barbie bleach

Fairlight Club - Vienna

Matt Modney (myyybitchclub)
Chewo (fairlight club)
GRUM (leeds/UK)